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New 14 Chakras meditation

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Selenite with multicolor led (other collections)

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Selenite with multicolor led

Multicolor turning led current and batteries
€ 23,00

Selenite with turning led in function...

8 crystals angel with turning led in function...

Multiocolor led current and batteries
€ 15,00

Selenite with turning led in function...

8 crystals angel with turning led in function...

Multicolor turning led current and batteries - Multicolor led current and batteries
(not sellable separately)
€ 23,00 - € 15,00
Small selenite - small smoothed selenite
€ 12,00 - € 14,00

Selenium gives wings to our mind -
gives us clarity, vitality and creativity.
It's a good fellow,
guide us in the research of ourselves and
helps us understanding past experiences.

Leds come from China
Selenite from Morocco

Angela Barbiero – Corso Liberta’ 188 - 39012 – Merano BZ
Tel. 00393333283600 - Fax 00000000 - E-mail:angelabarbiero@hotmail.com
Associazione Onda di Luce - C.F. 90089410329